A New Way to Learn About Essential Oils

Do you want to learn about Essential Oils without the pressure of a multi-level marketing company? At a LAMMP Aromatherapy party you will learn how to dilute essential oils properly and the different application techniques. These parties will be taught by Certified Aromatherapists who have graduated from an Aromatherapy Training Program that has a minimum of 200 hours and are members of NAHA, National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, or AIA, Alliance of International Aromatherapists. While there will be items for sale, you will also be given printed information on where you can purchase these items yourself. You will also be given a list of websites where you can purchase your own Essential Oils. At these parties, you will learn how to make some of the following.

  • Room Sprays
  • Linen Sprays
  • Body Powders
  • Scented Lotions using an Unscented Lotion base
  • Bath and Body Oils
  • Bath Salts